The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Trade has targeted the export growth at 300% over the next five years as a concrete step to carry out the mandate of Nawa Cita, the policy principles of the cabinet headed by President Jokowi (see Press Release of the Ministry of Trade on February 16, 2015).
As main export commodities, the products of the manufacturing industry still put Indonesia as a major player in the global manufacturing business. To achieve this target, of course, a synergy between many parties is heavily required. Legal certainty, government support, and readiness of manufacturing business players.
The export optimism illustrates how broad the business opportunities in manufacturing can be. Of course, any business player who is ready to compete to develop the industry will come up as recognized partaker. In terms of industry constellation, using this opportunity implies concrete implementations of reliable systems and technology to increase production capacity.
As one of the major components that determine the labor-intensive manufacturing growth rate, human resources should be the focus of every manufacturing company. The employee is an asset. And all assets need to be managed properly to bring sustainable profits to the company. Given the complexity of human character, it takes the approach of local culture to target the highest level of achievable productivity. Thus, to establish a manufacturing company in Indonesia is to entrust the business supply chain to Indonesian people in accordance with Indonesian regulations.
When it comes to business management, manufacturers should put this question as top priority to answer: “I see my employees work for 8 hours per day, 5-6 days a week and I want to make sure that they give their best contribution to my company. Have I got the best system support to make it come true?”. Furthermore, “How can I find a valid parameter to measure their productivity, and the progress of the business, respectively?”
Answer to those questions prerequisites huge data, covering the attendance, payroll, loan funds, medical reimbursement, training, and treatment.
The need for system
“I have run my business in a good system of management” may be a spontaneous response from the business owners like you when addressed by questions on how significant your system fostering your employees’ productivity. However, good is never enough when you open your window wide and see that outside other competitors that successfully reach better performance.
As a player, you will not be satisfied knowing this. You should take your step further and see what happens, instead of assuming that there can not be other way by which you carry out your company. The competitors have identified weaknesses in the lack of efficiency and the long duration of data processing. They have found the solution in an integrated technology-based solution, built in a complete package of software, hardware, maintenance and support. If they can have helpful solution, then the solutions must have been available somewhere, waiting for you at the end your search.
Many companies now use a software with modules that provide great help to your HR manager. Its is likely that the number will grow, may be faster than you can predict. Of course, some others will insist using the same manual-based system.
As a player, you will come outstanding when you stand with the first. Who are they that stand among the first?
As an advanced manufacturing industry country, Japan deserve to be a reference. Japan has created widespread known HR management systems that boost human productivity. In synergy with superior management, as well as applied to plants in Indonesia. Call it the Toyota Way, Just in Time Manufacturing, and the Kanban System. Synergies to be complete and the company helped found the best performance when the human resources and management meet with a qualified ICT systems. Then, which ICT system can meet these expectations?

Japanese factories such as Seiwa, Kao, Yamaha, and Sumi Rubber turns choosing SIAP+P, e-HRIS system created by Realta. Maintenance and support are best made SIAP+P leading choice for manufacturers who have proven that consistent progress in Indonesia’s manufacturing industry.
Users of SIAP+P have now started to spread to almost all areas of manufacturing. You can find the reason why the companies below also choose to use the SIAP+P, not the other system. Survive and continue to evolve, these companies had the same characteristics: They pay great attention to the productivity of its employees, and feel the need to seek appropriate ICT systems for them.
Just go google or duckduckgo these items and discover what business are these companies involved with.
- Chakra Adi Utama Mulia
- Afikogyo Indonesia
- Argapura
- Amerta Indah Otsuka
- Aisin Indonesia
- Astari Niagara
- Bandung Sakura textille Mill
- CITAS Otis Elevator
- DIC Astra Chemical
- Energizer Indonesia
- Fabindo Sejahtera
- Famatex
- Fuji Technica Indonesia
- Chemicals Inter Aneka Lestari
- Indomitra Sedaya
- International Paint Indonesia
- International Power Mitsui
- Indonesia Synthetic textille Mill
- Indonesia Toray Synthetic
- Intertek Utama Services
- Indonesia Wacoal
- KAO Indonesia
- Kawasaki Motor Indonesia
- Plastic KMK Indonesia
- Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia
- Nippres Indonesia
- NSK Bearings Indonesia
- Pacific Presstress Indonesia
- Sanden Indonesia
- SBP Indonesia
- SC Johnson & Son
- Seiwa Indonesia
- Sanken Indonesia
- Smart Tbk
- Surya Semesta Internusa
- Sentralindo Teguh Gemilang
- Thamrin Brothers
- Toshiba Consumer Products
- Cemani Toka
- Yamaha Motor Parts Mfg Indonesia
SIAP+P is a software application HRIS (Human Resources Information System) that helps professionals in the field of HR to give direction to employees, as well as determine the processes and strategies appropriate work. At the moment SIAP+P has been successfully implemented a in more than 150 companies and organizations for various kind of industry.
As a result, companies that have used the SIAP+P was observed to continue to demonstrate significant performance improvements along with the reduced risk. This is possible because the employees could have more time, no longer have to queue for administrative matters such as is commonly done on manual methods. Governance of efficient manpower in turn will facilitate better decision making, and ultimately lead to customer satisfaction.
SIAP+P provides the following application services that help companies or organizations to actualize the full potential of their businesses. Aspects being targeted can vary, both to reduce costs, increase advanced training for employees, improving payroll system, and provide better services for employees. The end result was predictable. Increased productivity, strengthen competitiveness and increase customer satisfaction.
It is interesting to note that the terminology of “siap” itself in Bahasa simply means “ready, well prepared”.
Now SIAP+P is also equipped with ESS (Employee Self Service) mobile applications. Users simply download it at the mobile phone so that it can monitor its employees more easily.
The manufacturing industry will continue to grow, and Indonesia is a market that is estimated will replace China as the world’s largest manufacturing producer. Playing solid competitor in this sector, management systems and productive workforce will support the company continuously only if equipped with ICT systems that ensure efficient use of manpower.
SIAP+P comes as a comprehensive solution for ICT systems you need. The manufacturing company will always dealing with employee data management, control over employee productivity, payroll system and other benefits. Integrated solution for the management of this will increasingly feel the benefits, especially much less number of employees your company more and more.
You can choose: do it yourself and experience more hassles and losses in the past, or SIAP+P that does it for you.