*A repost from my writing on Quora
Is pocong (in terms of burial way) exclusive to Indonesia?
Any burial way is exclusive for the dead body, and so does with pocong.
But, when it is addressed to Indonesia, it is not.
Pocong is not a burial way. It is a ghost-like appearance that some people say as ex-moslem wandering spirits. Being put in a white linen cover with only face disclosed when buried, that figure is what most of Indonesian people (which is actually moslem majority) will expect to see and imagine when talking about ghosts. Pocongs are usually attributed as annoying, frightening, threatening, and in most cases those myth-based belief jabberings they just do it as a revenge to the people who have done wrong tho them while alive.
By the way, pocong is one among thousand of ghost figures spread among 250 million of Indonesian population.
As more and more people will likely become more open-minded and tend do think more scientifically, pocong along with another so-called ghosts are enjoyed as art. You may a bunch of it in films in some domestic TV channels.
As for me, if it is about art, the figure of pocong is far from beauty, and I can’ t understand that is an exclusive way to bury people.
So, is pocong exclusive to Indonesia?
Yes, if you refer to some group of people in Indonesia because it is them that have that term.
No, because in many other countries moslems bury dead person in the similar way.
Here I pick you one.