Kredo Athanasius “Quicumque Vult”

Kredo Athanasius, yang dikenal sebagai Quicumque vult”, awalnya diresitir pada saat ibadat ofisi Pertama di hari Minggu. Kredo Athanasius menjadi satu dari empat kredo otoritatif dalam Gereja Katolik. Isi Kredo ini sangat membantu dalam memahami konsep Trinitas, yakni doktrin yang menjadi fondasi dari seluruh ajaran Kekristenan.

Selain oleh Gereja Katolik, Gereja Anglikan dan beberapa gereja Protestan juga mengakuinya otoritatif.

Kredo ini umumnya disematkan pada St. Athanasius (meninggal pada 373), meskipun baru dikenal luas oleh Gereja Timur pada abad 12. Ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa Santo Ambrosius-lah pengarangnya, tetapi ada juga pendapat lain sehingga tidak ada kesepakatan final terkait kepengarangannya.

Teori terkini menyatakan bahwa Kredo ini ditulis di selatan Perancis pada abad V. Pada 1940, tulisan ‘Excerpta’ dari St. Vincent dari Lerins yang hilang (yang dikenal pada 440: “quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est”) ditemukan. Tulisan yang ditemukan kembali ini memuat banyak sekali isi dari Kredo Athanasius ini. Maka, dianggap bahwa St. Vincent atau salah satu pengagumnya yang menulis Kredo ini.

Salinan paling tua dari Kredo ini ditemukan dalam koleksi homili oleh Caesarius dari Arles (meninggal pada 542).

Berikut isinya dalam naskah asli berbahasa Latin (bercetak miring) dengan terjemahan bahasa Inggris (dalam tanda kurung siku).

QUICUMQUE vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est, ut teneat catholicam fidem: [WHOEVER wishes to be saved must, above all, keep the Catholic faith.]

Quam nisi quisque integram inviolatamque servaverit, absque dubio in aeternum peribit. [For unless a person keeps this faith whole and entire, he will undoubtedly be lost forever.]

Fides autem catholica haec est: ut unum Deum in Trinitate, et Trinitatem in unitate veneremur. [This is what the catholic faith teaches: we worship one God in the Trinity and the Trinity in unity.]

Neque confundentes personas, neque substantiam separantes. [Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the substance.]
Alia est enim persona Patris alia Filii, alia Spiritus Sancti: [For there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit.]

Sed Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti una est divinitas, aequalis gloria, coaeterna maiestas. [But the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit have one divinity, equal glory, and coeternal majesty.]

Qualis Pater, talis Filius, talis Spiritus Sanctus. [What the Father is, the Son is, and the Holy Spirit is.]

Increatus Pater, increatus Filius, increatus Spiritus Sanctus. [The Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated.]

Immensus Pater, immensus Filius, immensus Spiritus Sanctus. [The Father is boundless, the Son is boundless, and the Holy Spirit is boundless.]

Aeternus Pater, aeternus Filius, aeternus Spiritus Sanctus. [The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, and the Holy Spirit is eternal.]

Et tamen non tres aeterni, sed unus aeternus. [Nevertheless, there are not three eternal beings, but one eternal being.]

Sicut non tres increati, nec tres immensi, sed unus increatus, et unus immensus. [So there are not three uncreated beings, nor three boundless beings, but one uncreated being and one boundless being.]

Similiter omnipotens Pater, omnipotens Filius, omnipotens Spiritus Sanctus. [Likewise, the Father is omnipotent, the Son is omnipotent, the Holy Spirit is omnipotent.]

Et tamen non tres omnipotentes, sed unus omnipotens. [Yet there are not three omnipotent beings, but one omnipotent being.]

Ita Deus Pater, Deus Filius, Deus Spiritus Sanctus. [Thus the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.]

Et tamen non tres dii, sed unus est Deus. [However, there are not three gods, but one God.]

Ita Dominus Pater, Dominus Filius, Dominus Spiritus Sanctus. [The Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, and the Holy Spirit is Lord.]

Et tamen non tres Domini, sed unus est Dominus. [However, there are not three lords, but one Lord.]

Quia, sicut singillatim unamquamque personam Deum ac Dominum confiteri christiana veritate compellimur: ita tres Deos aut Dominos dicere catholica religione prohibemur. [For as we are obliged by Christian truth to acknowledge every Person singly to be God and Lord, so too are we forbidden by the Catholic religion to say that there are three Gods or Lords.]

Pater a nullo est factus: nec creatus, nec genitus. [The Father was not made, nor created, nor generated by anyone.]

Filius a Patre solo est: non factus, nec creatus, sed genitus. [The Son is not made, nor created, but begotten by the Father alone.]

Spiritus Sanctus a Patre et Filio: non factus, nec creatus, nec genitus, sed procedens. [The Holy Spirit is not made, nor created, nor generated, but proceeds from the Father and the Son.]

Unus ergo Pater, non tres Patres: unus Filius, non tres Filii: unus Spiritus Sanctus, non tres Spiritus Sancti. [There is, then, one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three sons; one Holy Spirit, not three holy spirits.]

Et in hac Trinitate nihil prius aut posterius, nihil maius aut minus: sed totae tres personae coaeternae sibi sunt et coaequales. [In this Trinity, there is nothing before or after, nothing greater or less. The entire three Persons are coeternal and coequal with one another.]

Ita ut per omnia, sicut iam supra dictum est, et unitas in Trinitate, et Trinitas in unitate veneranda sit. [So that in all things, as is has been said above, the Unity is to be worshiped in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity.]

Qui vult ergo salvus esse, ita de Trinitate sentiat. [He, therefore, who wishes to be saved, must believe thus about the Trinity.]

Sed necessarium est ad aeternam salutem, ut incarnationem quoque Domini nostri Iesu Christi fideliter credat. [It is also necessary for eternal salvation that he believes steadfastly in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.]

Est ergo fides recta ut credamus et confiteamur, quia Dominus noster Iesus Christus, Dei Filius, Deus et homo est. [Thus the right faith is that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is both God and man.]

Deus est ex substantia Patris ante saecula genitus: et homo est ex substantia matris in saeculo natus. [As God, He was begotten of the substance of the Father before time; as man, He was born in time of the substance of His Mother.]

Perfectus Deus, perfectus homo: ex anima rationali et humana carne subsistens. [He is perfect God; and He is perfect man, with a rational soul and human flesh.]

Aequalis Patri secundum divinitatem: minor Patre secundum humanitatem. [He is equal to the Father in His divinity, but inferior to the Father in His humanity.]

Qui licet Deus sit et homo, non duo tamen, sed unus est Christus. [Although He is God and man, He is not two, but one Christ.]

Unus autem non conversione divinitatis in carnem, sed assumptione humanitatis in Deum. [And He is one, not because His divinity was changed into flesh, but because His humanity was assumed unto God.]

Unus omnino, non confusione substantiae, sed unitate personae. [He is one, not by a mingling of substances, but by unity of person.]

Nam sicut anima rationalis et caro unus est homo: ita Deus et homo unus est Christus. [As a rational soul and flesh are one man: so God and man are one Christ.]

Qui passus est pro salute nostra: descendit ad inferos: tertia die resurrexit a mortuis. [He died for our salvation, descended into hell, and rose from the dead on the third day.]

Ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis: inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. [He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.]

Ad cuius adventum omnes homines resurgere habent cum corporibus suis: et reddituri sunt de factis propriis rationem. [At His coming, all men are to arise with their own bodies; and they are to give an account of their own deeds.]

Et qui bona egerunt, ibunt in vitam aeternam: qui vero mala, in ignem aeternum. [Those who have done good deeds will go into eternal life; those who have done evil will go into the everlasting fire.]

Haec est fides catholica, quam nisi quisque fideliter firmiterque crediderit, salvus esse non poterit. Amen. [This is the Catholic faith. Everyone must believe it, firmly and steadfastly; otherwise He cannot be saved. Amen.]

Lirik “Veni Creator Spiritus”

Veni, creator Spiritus
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gratia,
quae tu creasti pectora.

Qui diceris Paraclitus,
Donum Dei altissimi,
fons vivus, ignis, caritas
et spiritalis unctio.

Tu septiformis munere,
digitus paternae dexterae
tu rite promissum Patris
sermone ditans guttura.

Accende lumen sensibus,
infunde amorem cordibus,
infirma nostri corporis,
virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius
pacemque dones protinus;
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus da Patrem
noscamus atque Filium,
te utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.

Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio qui a mortuis
Surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula.



Datanglah ya Roh pencipta
Hati kami kunjungilah
Penuhilah dengan rahmat-Mu
Jiwa kami ciptaan-Mu

Kau digelari Penghibur,
karunia Allah yang luhur
Kau hidup, Api dan Kasih
Dan pengurapan Illahi

Dikau Sapta Karunia
Dan tangan kanan Illahi
Engkau yang Bapa janjikan
Kau pergandakan bahasa

Sinari hati umatMu
Dan curahkanlah cintaMu
Semoga Dikau kuatkan
yang rapuh dalam tubuhnya

Halaulah musuh umatMu
Berilah kami damaiMu
Agar dengan tuntunanMu
kami hindarkan yang jahat

Buatlah kami mengenal
serta mengimani terus
Bapa dan Putra yang Tunggal
Dan Engkau Roh keduanya

Veni Creator Spiritus adalah sebuah himne dalam bentuk Kidung Gregorian yang dianggap sebagai “himne yang paling terkenal”. Ditulis oleh Rabanus Maurus pada abad ke-9, himne ini dinyanyikan di beberapa kesempatan seperti masuknya para Kardinal ke dalam Kapel Sistina semasa konklaf untuk memilih paus yang baru, konsekrasi para uskup, pentahbisan para imam, pentahbisan gereja, perayaan sinode atau konsili, pemahkotaan para raja/ratu dan upacara-upacara khidmat lainnya.

Kalimat “Datanglah Roh Kudus Sang Pencipta” (Puji Syukur nomor 565) sesuai dengan tema ibadat pada Hari Raya Pentakosta.

Himne ini kemungkinan pertama-tama ditujukan untuk doa malam. Sebuah manuskrip abad ke-11 memasukkannya ke dalam doa pagi (Laudes) dan doa sore (Vesper). Penggunaannya saat Terce (tiga jam setelah matahari terbit atau sekitar jam 9 pagi) konon dimulai di kota Cluny, Prancis, untuk memperingati turunnya Roh Kudus di jam tiga sore setiap harinya.


Lirik “Anak Na Lilu”

Tarsongon ursa na tarpunjung tahe di adaran na tung harsang
Malungun jala sai masihol doi di aek nang guluan i
Tudos tusi ma au Tuhan manghalungunhon holongMi
Ai nunga loja situtu au ala pardosaonki

Tukki situtu do rohangku nuaeng marningot panghalahokki
Jotjot do nian hutangihon hataM sian akka NaposoMi
Alai dang hu ulahon i poda na tinonahonMi
Akka naroa do tahe na huulahon nasai laon

Ro do au nuaeng marsinggang di adopanMi
Manopoti dosa mangido asi ni rohaM
Jakkon ma au Tuhan orom ma rimas ni rohaM
Palua ma au paloas ma au raphon Ho

Togu ma Au ale Tuhan ajari au dingolukkki
Asa unang sai targogot au di dalanhi
Urasi au ale Tuhan sian nasa pardosaonhi
Asa malua au sian haholomon i
Tung ro ma Ho o Debata
Boan ma au tu dalanMi
Asi rohaM di au anak na lilu on

Lirik “Jakarta” – Golden Heart

Sai mulak maho
Parjalang nadao
Mulak nunga masihol
Au tu ho

Bidang do amang
Haumanta dison
Na lao siulaonmu hasian

Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i
Ianggo manganggur ho disi
Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i
Ianggo so mangan ho disi


Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i
Ianggo manganggur ho disi
Tu aha ma i kota Jakarta i
Ianggo so mangan ho disi

Sai mulak maho
Parjalang nadao
Mulak nunga masihol
Au tu ho

Bidang do amang
Haumanta dison
Na lao siulaonmu hasian


Lirik “Borngin Nasasada I”


[On ma sadanai na masa hu anakboru na hutanda
Begema da. Asa hupaboa]

Uju rap au dohot ho di borngin i
Borgin na sotarhalupahonhi
Angka naung taulahon tingki i
Holan ho doho dohot au di motor i

Tung holip pe ho nuaeng sian matakki
Sotung lupa ho ito di borngin i
Ai tudia ma usungonhu langkangki
Molo tung dao au sian rohami

Borngin i, borngin nasasada i
Dang na tarlupahon au anggo i
Ai maputik sada bunga borngin i
Sada bunga natung mansai uli

Hasian hasudungan ni rohanghu
Tudia ma ahu tuise ma au mangalualu
Baritam pe laos soada do tu au
Songonon ma au nuaeng tariluilu


Hasian hasudungan ni rohanghu
Tudia ma ahu tuise ma au mangalualu
Baritam pe laos soada do tu au
Songonon ma au nuaeng tariluilu

Lirik “Hutabayu Nauli”

Adong do sada huta na metmet tardikkan Simalungun i
Di huta i do au ditubuhon di huta i au magodang
Damang dainang haha anggikku alealekku disi do i
Hutabayu do goarna, goarni huta na metmet i

Nang pe tung metmet alai godang do pangisini
Na gabe jolma na targoar jala namora sian i
Dang na lupa au disi
Tu huta bayu na uli
Huta ni damang hatubuan
Sai masihol au tu ho


Adong do sada huta na metmet tardikkan Simalungun i
Di huta i do au ditubuhon di huta i au magodang
Damang dainang haha anggikku alealekku disi do i
Hutabayu do goarna, goarni huta na metmet i

Nang pe tung metmet alai godang do pangisini
Na gabe jolma na targoar jala namora sian i
Dang na lupa au disi
Tu huta bayu na uli
Huta ni damang hatubuan
Sai masihol au tu ho



Mambuat Tua ni Gondang Sahata Saoloan

Gondang Demban Parsantabian

Bona ni hasuhutan, dohot ho amang, partarias na malo. Jou damang ma  odap i, asa ro akka bonani hasuhuton mamboan sagusagu sidua sada hundulan angkup ni ambuambuan.

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

O amang, pangulubalang di jae, pangulubalang di julu. Marsogot di parnakkok ni mataniari, leanon nami nama peleanmu. Alani i sotung dao hamu, paima hamu ma bagianmu. Palu ma amang gordang i.

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

Ia nunga dibaen ho i amang partaganing na malo. Nuaeng pe, baen damang ma jo. Na niurbat tolong Aji Donda Hatahutan, niurbat liangliang. Jalo ma napuranhon, baen parsantabian. Oooh, molo leanonmu amang demban, naing ma dohot timbaho giniang. Ai manortor pe ho attong, abitmu pe na sinalinan. Pogos do ho huroha, dagingmu pe nunga marniang.

Asa baen ma gondang i, demban parsantabian.

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

Gondang Boaboa ni Barita

Ia nunga dibaen ho i amang, partarias na malo, gondang i, gondang parsantabian i.

Nuaeng pe amang, takkas ma ingot damang, soara huhuasikkon. Aha do galinggangmu, Tuan Purba na ring, sigalinghanhononmu, aha do baritam, sihatahatahononmu. Ooooh, barita ni ibotokku, si boru Sopak Panaluan. Akkora simelmel bohi, jala siganjang jambulan.

Jei nuaeng pe amang, Batara Guru humundul, asa takkas ma baen damang, Batara Guru pandapotan, Batara Guru na ginokkon manogot, nialapan tonga arian.

Gondang ni Siboru Sopak Panaluan, Siboru Tapi Omas na huasan. Marsidua sidua, marsitolu sitolu. Songgop sirubaruba, tu laklak ni sikkoru. Asa manortor au, baen jo gondang ni siboru. Opat hali tu ginjang, tolu hali au to toru.

Baen gondang boa-boa ni barita i.

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

Gondang Guru ni Pungga Sitongka Golanggolang

O, amang, amani marhulane. Si palu taganing, na malo marsarune.

Nunga dibaen damang, gondang ni na hupangido i. Nuaeng pe baen damang ma muse, gondang i.

Aha do galinggang sigalinggalinghononmu, Tuan Purba na ring, Tapi Sokkal Pangururan.

Oooh, na mangido ma au, baen muse ma gondang ni ibotokku, si Aji Donda Hatahutan, si Tuan Purba na ring, si Tapi Sokkal Pangururan.

Niurbat ro puriman, pinabongot rambu hotang. Sip do anggo pakkulingna, songon na siarsiar panotnotan.

Baen damang ma, Gondang Guru ni Punggu Sitongka Golanggolang

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

Gondang Pangalapi Datu Pandudu

O, amang partarias na malo.

Di dia lumbanmu, di Lumban Batu do lumbannami. Lao tu dia ma hamu? Mangalap Datu Pandudu dope hami.

Asa baen ma raksa ni pangalapi Datu Pandudu i.

Boti ma.

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

Gondang Raksa Ni Ulos

Ia nunga dibaen ho i amang, batara guru humundul partarias na malo. Situmbur ni pau, sidakka ni opo.

Baen damang ma jo gondang ni uloshon.

Asa takkas songon nidokkon ni umpasa. Tu dolok inna porda, tu toruon inna pambarbaran. Tu ginjang inna roha, patoruon do hape nidokni sibaran.

Nuaeng pe baen ma gondang ni uloshon, dohot abithon, dohot sampesampekkon. Ai sibolang do di ginjang, sibolang do di toru. Tinonunni ambarita, aithononni anakboru. Sai manumpak ma Debata, sai tubu ma ngolungolu.

Asa baen ma gondang ni raksa ni Ulos.

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

Gondang Raksa Ni Talitali

O amang, amani marhulane. Si palu taganing na malo marsarune. Urat ni pusupusu, tappuk ni ate-ate. Na jumpang di dalan na malo mardalan pite.

Ua tung baen damang ma jolo gondang i.

Tek ninna napuran, napuran si arirang, na lehet tapinangi, talitali na mangalilit tu hambirang.

Ai tinallik galagala, galagala ni Mandailing, luhut lumalolalo, mangida sanggul milingiling.

Baen damang ma jo, gondang ni parsanggul milingiling

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]

Gondang Raut Palengkunglengkung

Raja nami, Batara Guru humundul, Batara Guru pandapotan. Tuat ni Laguboti, garu ni Paindoan.

Ua tung baen jolo gondang ni raut palengkung lengkung. Lengkunglengkung halalahona, sada do suhulna, lima do matana, na jumadihon bindu matoga.

Ba gondang ni aha i? Gondang ni pathon. Asa toga togu hita si sada hasuhuton on. Na manduduhon opputta, oppu tuan pulo di ginjang, ima si Aji Donda Hatahutan, si Tuan Purba na ring, si Tapi Sokkal Pangururan on.

Alani i amang, barata guru humundul. Baen jo gondang ni raut palenglengkung.

ℑℑℑℑ [Musik]


“Nggak Ada” – Bruno Major

Track suits and red wine
Movies for two
We’ll take off our phones
And we’ll turn off our shoes

We’ll play Nintendo
Though I always lose
‘Cause you’ll watch the TV
While I’m watching you

There’s not many people
I’d honestly say
I don’t mind losing to
But there’s nothing
Like doing nothing
With you

Dumb conversations
We lose track of time
Have I told you lately
I’m grateful you’re mine

We’ll watch The Notebook
For the 17th time
I’ll say “It’s stupid”
Then you’ll catch me crying

We’re not making out
On a boat in the rain
Or in a house I’ve painted blue
But there’s nothing
Like doing nothing
With you

So shut all the windows
And lock all the doors
We’re not looking for no one
Don’t need nothing more
You’ll bite my lip and
I’ll want you more
Until we end up in a heap on the floor

You could be dancing on tabletops
Wearing high-heels
Drinking until the world
Spins like a wheel

But tonight your apartment
Had so much appeal
Who needs stars?
We’ve got a roof
But there’s nothing
Like doing nothing
With you
No, there’s nothing
Like doing nothing
With you


Lagu Kebangsaan Manusia-manusia Pejuang

Some days I feel I’d make a good sunset
Some days I just don’t wanna’ give up yet
Some days it’s hard to breathe
Some days I’m over being me
Some days, some days, some days

Some days I try my best to seem happy
Some days this place seems better off without me
Some days I’m overwhelmed
Some days I’m lost inside this hell
Some days, some days, some days

Some days I wonder what it’s like
To live an ordinary life
Maybe I won’t feel this way
Some day

Some days I feel like everyone hates me
Some days I question, “Why would God create me?”
Some days I’m holding strong
Some days I’m barely hanging on
Some days, some days, some days

Some days I wonder what it’s like
To live an ordinary life
Maybe I won’t feel this way
Some day

Some days I wonder what it’s like
To live an ordinary life
Maybe I won’t feel this way
Some day